Green Green Grass (Glaswellt Gwyrdd Gwyrdd) Magik Beanz



Welsh hillsides are famous for their green, green grass as the famous song by Tom Jones tells us. This unusual fragrance from Busy Bee Candles brings the wonderful luxurious lushness of the green green grass of Wales to your home. Smells just like a freshly mown lawn. Wonderful!

Mae bryniau Cymreig yn enwog am eu glaswellt gwyrdd , gwyrdd fel mae€™r gân enwog gan Tom Jones yn dweud wrthym . Mae’r arogl anghyffredin hwn o Ganhwyllau Busy Bee yn dod â’r cyfoeth moethus, hyfryd y glaswellt gwyrdd gwyrdd o Gymru i’ch cartref.

green green grass – 6/10

These little Magik Beanz are simply amazing. The most highly scented Wax Tart Melt product offered by Busy Bee Candles. Each little Magik Bean is a little fragrance bomb designed to totally fragrance your home for hour after hour.Place at least 5 magik beanz in your Wax Tart Warmer and experience fabulous fragrance for hours. Choose a single fragrance or mix up the scents to create your own unique home fragrance. Try some of these recipes.. Highly recommended for whole house fragrance.

Each pot of Busy Bee Candles Magik Beanz contains an average of 15 highly scented mini melts. Average fragrance time for a pot of Magik Beanz is approximately 20 hours!

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